Tuesday, January 25, 2011

new inbox message: "...ill yourself"

we would like to take a little walk down memory lane. think back, and think hard, to a time full of apathy, drama and spin the bottle, aka, high school. some of us loved it, some of us hated it, but we are not here to discuss that. what we are here to discuss are the high school nights, waiting by the phone for that special someone to call. when the exciting moment came, when the phone rang and the boy/girl's voice you had been waiting to hear came over the line, you automatically and immediately settled down into your "spot."  everyone had one. the place you would go in your house growing up to talk to your gentleman/gentlelady callers. this was the spot where amazing things happened. stories unfolded, tears were shed, relationships bloomed, and in some cases, died. suck.

fast forward to twenty eleven and think to what is now your "spot."  do you have one? if you said yes, you are either lying, or in a long term relationship...if that's the case, stop reading our blog. just kidding. but send your single friends our way. for real. we have done our homework and none, we repeat, none of our girlfriends can confidently say that they have a "spot." what they do have is a cell phone with unlimited text included in their plan.

it is a blessing and curse.

we all are busy during the day. whether we are at work, school or gtl-ing, we all have things to do. 30 minute conversations on the phone are not always feasible. texting allows for little messages here and there, letting the person of interest know that you are thinking about them. or not. everyone likes to wake up to a "good morning beautiful" text, or receive "been thinking about you" during lunch, but the best of all, is the after text. we are in love with the after text. borderline obsessed. if it is not in your normal texting routine, add it. now. unsure of what we are referring to? let us shed some oh, so glorious, light on you. the after text is the text message that is sent or received immediately following a date. this text says so little, but so much, at the same time. it does not need to be lengthy, but it should be sincere. this text lets the recipient know that you genuinely had good time on your date. DO NOT send this text if you did not have a good time. that is what we call mixed signals and bad etiquette. l&c have taken the time to go through past texting conversations to each find some of their favorite after texts. drum roll please....

"Well I just got home.  I'm about to crash.  Sleep tight you little sooner, it was good to see you tonight.  Hope to see you soon!"
"had a good time :) thanks for coming with me, I really enjoyed talking to you."

"Glad you got home safe. A lot of fun you are. Night."
"Okay. Just makin sure you wanted to go out again. I had a great time with you."

like we said, we LOVE them. so much. and rest assured, that as l or c are discussing the date they went on and the after text arrives, a very enthusiastic "i got an after text!!!" is yelled through hackberry place. :)

texting allows boys, and girls for that matter, an easy in and an easier out. it's a double edged sword...it's easy to meet and easy to "forget".

recently l was involved in a relationship, and by relationship we mean a text-only relationship with the "easter bunny." not really the easter bunny, but that's what we call him. he had a lot to deliver... and not just on holidays. "eb" was a catch. seriously, though. good job, good sense of humor and good looks. they met on black friday, (red flag #2890) and the texting commenced. and it was good. laugh out loud good. l was very patient. she had distractions which allowed him to text her for 3 weeks before asking her out.. through text. l put all of her eggs in one basket and went on a date with "easter bunny." the date was great. a good time was had by both (or so she thought). texting resumed. and continued on for-ev-errrr. and then one day he never responded, and hasn't been heard from since. vanished. and because the relationship was based solely on text messages, he could. and he did. it's safe to say, l will have an empty easter basket this year. santa? any takers?

a few rules everyone should follow:

  • do not ask girls out on dates through texts. don't be a coward.  treat her like a lady.
  • do not talk about feelings through text messages unless you have in real life first.
  • do not text a guy or girl because you are bored. it gives the wrong impression unless you like them.
  • no response means not interested. stop trying. 
  • do not text on a date or while you're with a person of interest. ruuuuuude.
  • a missed call requires a call back. not a text back.
  • if your plan is to have a lengthy text convo with a girl...grow some gonads, pick up the phone and press send. it is okay to actually talk on the phone. you might like it.
  • do not text while driving. you will get chlamydia and die. 
  • sarcasm doesn't have a font, but we encourage it nonetheless.
  • respond to texts in a timely manner. timely being the key word. it does not take 5 hours to type 7 words into your phone. if it does, you have bigger problems. figure it out.
  • make sure you know the recipients boundaries before you start flexting or sexting. it could get awkward really fast. 
  • send after texts!


-thank you iphone, for storing all messages and making it easy to delete all messages. easter bunny: erased.
-fun, flirtatious texts. thank you boys.
-the chime your phone makes when you receive a text from someone you like. butterflies.

-one word texts. especially the letter "k". if you send that, the response you deserve is, "..ill yourself."
-people who don't spell correctly in text messages. no, i do not want to go "hot tubing" with you. what is a hot tube??
-not checking send recipient. remember this guy?


  1. I was worries I was the "Easter Guy" (for obvious reasons)...but since i'm not, i can assure you, i've got contacts with the bunny himself and i'll be sure you get a full basket.

    and I've been thinking about posting on texting...i think i'll share some of your post on mine!

    Thanks for the great post! I HATE it when girls want to go out again and then girls who don't want to go out again text. ugh.

    which reminds me. L never texted me after our lunch date...

  2. You girls are soooo funny! Thanks for the laughs!
