Tuesday, September 14, 2010

stupid is as stupid texts.

guess what?! l went on a date saturday. on sunday morning she received this text. this text is not from the boy she went on the date with. it was from an unnamed boy she hung out with on thursday night. guess he was on a date this weekend too??


-there are no kisses given out this week. blog kind or real kind. 

-here's an idea! why don't you proofread your spelling. and while you're at it, check to make sure you're sending your texts to the right girl. i "fill" like i'm living a teenage dream nightmare.


  1. perhaps it was a honest mistake?

  2. definitely NOT an honest mistake. L, don't ever hang out with him again! Can't wait to meet you girls tomorrow! xoxo

  3. So pretty sure this blog find...that was found through stalking another blog...has been the highlight of my day, I laughed out loud in my forsaken class at good ol BYU while I stalked and listened (not) to my professor. You girls are hilarious and I cant wait to read more! And shout out to the valley, cant wait to be home there in just a month! Keep up the fun posts girls, and your arduous hunt for cute boys as well :) You are both darling
