Monday, April 4, 2011

never send a boy to do a man's job.

l&c have dated a lot. we have dated construction workers, firemen, anesthesiologists (c really wanted that to work), bug boys, students, electrical engineers, pilots, the unemployed living at home with no car...put it this way: we have dabbled in a bit of everything. with that being said, we have made some discoveries along the way. it really does not matter the job he goes to every morning, the car he drives, the boat he has on lake powell (although that is a bonus), or the amount of money he makes. there is an inherent quality that some males posses and some do not;  and although there is not a name for it, this quality is what determines the difference between a boy and a man.

a boy will text and only text. a man will call.

a boy will open your door on the first date as you are getting in the car. a man will open all doors. every time. no matter what type of door. 

a boy plays with toys. a man works with tools.

a boy will be interested in getting to know you...until he makes out with you.  a man will be genuinely interested in getting to know you annnnd getting to make out with you.

a boy tries to prove himself over and over by talking about himself. a man is confident.

a boy looks for somebody to to take care of him. a man looks for somebody to take care of.

a boy will talk about doing nice things for you.  a man will do nice things for you.

a boy knows how to load the washing machine. a man knows what can't go in the dryer.

a boy is afraid to commit.  a man won't let go of the hand he's holding. 

we know that we don't have the whole dating thing figured out, but we're getting there. one of the wonderful things that we have learned along the way is this: a man is the one we remember. 


-men. ladies, if you have one, don't let him go. they are few and far between.
-the men in our lives. yes, we said our. b(dub)&c(av), you rule. thanks for being so manly.
-boyz II men. i'm "on bended knee". don't make this "the end of the road". "i'll make love to you" if you're a man.

-l knowing all the words to the boys II men songs we listened to while writing this post (not sure if this is a kiss or a diss?).
-boys.  we have written about you one too many times. quit being attention whores and turn into men. we are sick of telling stories about you.
-like we said, never send a boy to do a man's job. thanks.


  1. boys are looking for girls. men are looking for women.

    love the post!! can you guys PLEASE write a guest post for my blog?!

  2. z- yes! let's trade a post for a post. guest blogging at it's finest.

  3. A country boy wasn't on your list of guys you've dated.. You should try them out.. a true country boy is what you described... Not saying that cuss I am one, just saying what my wife told me :)

  4. Men are out there, and I got mine.
    You find find you. :)
    Love the blog!

  5. I made excuses for a boy who texted, and never called. And never opened the door for me. Even after I read this. Vast mistake. I'll take you ladies word for it next time =)
