Tuesday, November 9, 2010

to everything, there is a time.

timing. it's a funny thing really. because in dating, it is everything. clearly, we are not experts on this subject, considering the fact that we have not updated this blog in almost a month. our sincere apologies. it wasn't that we did not want to blog, the timing just wasn't right. out of our control. we digress. the past few weeks have given us the opportunity to dwell on this topic and gain a thorough understanding of it through our adventures.

in meeting.
right place, right time. really, is there much more to say? yes, keep reading. if you want to meet someone, you have to put yourself out there. hanging out with your same high school or college friends is not going to introduce you to anyone new. if you are looking to date someone you need to look outside of your current social circle. unless you are going to wait around for that one guy you've had a crush on since elementary school who is actually not even that cute, but the fact that he doesn't want you back has built him up to be the man of your dreams. ummm he never dated anyone in high school, in fact, he's still not dating anyone. are you really still waiting for him to come around? you are the rule, not the exception. and he might be gay. just saying. back to the subject...there is a catch. just because you are putting yourself out there doesn't necessarily mean that a party of interest is on the same page. hence, the timing title of this blog. story time! recently l&c were at a social event and found not one, but two very cute and very approachable guys. jackpot! this story is actually really sad. l&c decided to be brave and put on their rally hats and strike up a convo with these two. remember when we said that they seeeeeemed approachable? wrong. after five minutes of small talk the boys walked away. we mean literally looked at us, looked at one another and said "let's go check the score" and were never seen again. good riddance. we can take a hint. goodbye gay boys (hangover). what we are trying to say is that when the timing is right, that person will be standing right in front of you. at least someone will, we are not guaranteeing mr/ms right. but the person in front of you will want to to talk to you and won't walk away, at least not without your phone number. just hope that you like the person and you want them standing in front of you. unlike the guy who was talking l's ear off after institute last week about star wars, ponies, and how he is naming his child chuck. after chuck bartowski. yikes.

in dating.
first date: goes well. second date: thumbs up. third date: decision time. this is the point in time where you need to decide if you want to pursue this person. and by pursue, we don't mean delete all other girl's phone numbers out of their phone and pick children's names. we just mean do you want to date them? don't get ahead of yourselves. this is where timing is key. if you are at a point in your life where you are looking for fun and only fun, and so are they...congratulations! you have found yourself a match. same rule applies if you are both looking for something serious and maybe want to pick out some kids names. unfortunately, it isn't very often that your life plans line up. story time! during c's time in the desert she came across the perfect little gent. and when we say perfect, we mean it. if she were to have a checklist, (not confirming or denying that she doesn't) he fit all the criteria. for story telling purposes we will refer to this young man as mr. perfect aka mr. p.  he was handsome, he made her laugh, super smart and made her feel like a lady. (take hints people. and by people we mean boys...if anyone ever leaves our convo to check "the score" again...) the catch? c was not ready for mr. p. why? because c was still moving on from someone else who was definitely not mr. perfect. she tried and tried for months to make it work and what we learned from this is, no matter how hard you try...it's not gonna happen if the timing isn't right. we just got really serious. but timing is a serious matter.

breaking up
the timing is never right for breaking up.

what we are trying to convey to you all is that you need to determine where you fall into this equation.  are you looking for fun? (we have enough of you. stay away.) are you looking to get into a relationship? please decide that before you put that sweet little girl or the good guy's feelings on the line. unless of course, you want to receive a text message telling you what the "mature thing to do" is in the situation. l would post it, but you've seen enough of her texts. ;)

so readers, turn off dancing with the stars and try to only watch two football games on saturday instead of all of them. by doing so, you will have some time to get out there and meet someone new. be brave. be confident. don't be creepy. remember what you stand for. return with honor. don't do drugs. and ctr. and by right we mean mr/ms right. do it.


-mr. p. you are one of the good ones.
-your patience during our three week hiatus. we were busy dressing like mice and picking up lifeguards.
-kittens inspired by kittens on youtube. its life changing. watch it. and she has a wolf tattoo on her forearm. awesome.

-boys, please, we beg you. stop just texting the girls. give them what they want and deserve...a date.
-leaving a conversation to "check the score". if we ever see these fools again...well, we don't know exactly what we would do...but it wouldn't be nice.
-bad timing: not an excuse to send l mean text messages.


  1. insightful. but, the hangover quote is actually "so long, gay boys." :-)

  2. How far in advance do girls like a guy to ask them out for a Fri/Sat. night? 2-3 days? a week? etc...

  3. hello anon! well, if there is a big event that involves lots of planning and you want to secure her time..ask a week in advance. if you are just planning a fun/casual date then 3 days is fine. don't ask too last minute because then she may not think she was your first choice or she will already be going on a another date. ya snooze ya lose.
