blind things that we like:
the three blind mice. we dressed up as them for halloween...duh.
helen keller. the person and the jokes. yeah, we just went there.
blinds on windows. we live in arizona. it's an absolute necessity.
the blindside. for many reasons. great movie, great message, great life to aspire to have. we mean leigh ann tuohy's...not michael oher's.
blind things that we dislike:
blind dates.
l&c have both been on a few blind dates recently. we would assume that most people have been on a blind date at some point in their lives, be it formal or informal. the fact of the matter is, how often are these blind dates "successful"? well, in our case...never.
c was set up on a blind date by a member of her family. from the start, this date was doomed. he was a foot doctor, he lived an hour away, and he was wearing a shirt that was too short. can we talk about this for a second? it seems to be a common issue. boys: you are not the same size you were in high school and you suck at laundry. things you need to know: if the shirt hits above your belt, it's probably time to go up a size. not probably, it is. go to the seriously. get up. go. unless it's sunday. in that case, you may wait until tomorrow. we digress. upon meeting this doctor of feet, who we will now refer to as "scholl's", c knew it wasn't going to happen, but decided to be open minded and give this guy a chance. they took a stroll on their feet (haha) around tempe marketplace and ended up at lucille's for dinner, where a long, boring, long, boring conversation ensued. he wasn't funny. he wasn't. in fact, he didn't even try to be. the point is, it sucked. and during their goodbye he stated that he needed to go home and study...feet. on a weekend. cool. good riddance. no success with "scholl's".
l's heart breaks a little as she types this story. l was shown a picture of "bashful" and asked if she would like to meet him. if you saw this picture, we don't care if you are a guy or a girl, you would have said yes. they met for dinner and the first five minutes was bad. like, so bad l was nervous about how long one dinner could take. lucky for her, things looked up. and the date went great. so great in fact, that they had a second date. "bashful" was the perfect gentleman and took l to one of her favorite restaurants. all of her doors were opened, he asked questions about l and didn't just talk about himself; basically charmed the pants off of her. not in a literal sense, come on people. as they were saying goodbye for the evening, the guard dog of hackberry place (who turns out, isn't such a good guard dog) escaped. one second he was there, and the next second he was nowhere to be found. before l could put her shoes on to go find said guard pooch, the sexy, charming, handsome boy in the truck pulled around the corner of her street with the dog in his lap. l melted. this was it! she had found the one. the heavens opened and angels were singing. a great after text was received. this blind date was almost a success. it was this close! until bashful disappeared. missing. gone. never to be heard from again. no success with bashful.
so the question we now pose is, where are we going wrong? or are our friends going wrong? typically when you meet someone you have the flirty interaction and dialogue that leads to a date. in blind dating, your friends believe they know you and the other person well enough to assume that sparks will fly when you meet. is it possible to have a successful date without the initial flirty connection to get you there? for this house, no. leave it to us, friends. we don't want your help. just kidding. we take that back. we'll take all the help we can get. send the single gentleman callers our way. but seriously, we would love to hear your experience. have you had success from a blind date? are you married to someone who once stood on your doorstep, sight unseen, completely unaware of what would face them when the door opened? are you seriously dating someone that your friend decided you'd be perrrrfect for? well good for you. as for us, we will be sticking to wearing our mouse costumes, telling helen keller jokes and watching the blindside. have a good night.
and for your reference:
-just because we both like checked shirts from j.crew, does not mean we should date. that will actually probably clash.
-just because we both like the hangover, does not mean we will make good lovers.
-just because he enjoys the outdoors, and we pretend we like camping when boys are around, does not mean we will be singing kumbaya for eternity together. we don't really even like camping.
-just because you went grocery shopping and bought corn bran, does not mean that you will be sitting together in your breakfast nook 50 years from now eating the same cereal.
-just because you both wear silly bandz, does not mean you are going to reproduce and have children together who will also wear silly bandz.
-"bashful" found lucky. intruders are no longer a threat at hackberry place. oh wait, our house got tp'ed twice in a week. nice guard dog.
-the fact that your date will most likely be the one and only time you have to see or speak to that person.
-friends looking out for friends and setting them up on dates. bless your hearts.
-facebook for allowing us to get a sneak peak at what will be waiting for us on the other side of the door.
-podiatrists. so weird.
-boys who don't know their shirt size.
-boys who don't like corn bran.
-silly bandz. they're out.
-wasting a weekend evening on meeting someone but thank for the meal!
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